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School Day

8.40 - 8.55am

Classroom doors are open for children to arrive and get ready to start the school day promptly. We ask that all parents keep morning messages brief to ensure that children are settled for the register. You are always welcome to make an appointment to speak to teachers at the end of the day. Children are encouraged to be independent from the moment they enter the classroom by organising their own belongings e.g. book bags, coats and lunch boxes.

8.55am Register

10.30am Playtime and morning snack.

For morning break please provide your child with a small piece of fruit or a vegetable snack. Milk can be provided – see the office to purchase.

Our school has a NUT Free policy.

12-1pm Lunchtime

Children may choose yummy school dinners or bring in their own packed lunch. 

Infant School children are eligible for a free school lunch each day. 


Children are given a free piece of fruit or veg as part of the School Fruit and Vegetable Scheme.

2:50pm Assembly time

3.20pm Please collect your child from their classroom door.