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Bordon Infant school a good school which has strengths in all aspects of its work
Ofsted grade schools in four categories, achievement of pupils, quality of teaching, behaviour and safety and leadership and management.
Our school has been graded as “Good”, for every area. The report from Ofsted said of the school that “underpinned by an effective curriculum, teaching is good, especially in reading and mathematics…pupils exhibit a strong interest in and commitment to learning” In a letter to the children the inspectors praised the school for its good teaching and its good Headteacher. The report also praised the school for the work they do in the local community and say that excellent work of the school brings “considerable benefits for pupils and their families”
We are very proud of our ‘Good’ Ofsted rating. The school strives very hard to provide the highest levels of education for all our children and we were pleased the inspectors recognised that. Our school is always striving to improve so please come and ask us about what we have done since our last inspection.
The full Ofsted report can be accessed here
Please click on the Parent’s view logo to tell us what you think of what we do at Bordon Infant School. It really helps us to improve our school for your children.