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  • Be Confident

  • Be Curious

  • Be Respectful

  • Be a Team

  • Be Creative

  • Be Happy

  • Computing


    At Bordon Infant School we believe Computing is an essential and exciting part of everyday life; it has amazing potential in this ever changing world with the arrival of new technologies and possibilities. We provide rich experiences using a range of digital and electronic software and hardware, which will introduce children to the impact computing has for their next stage of learning as well as their future lives.

    We want our children to aim high and believe they could grow up to design computer games or develop the latest software that could be used around the world. In order to achieve this our children, need to explore, adapt and develop the skills, attitudes and confidence needed. They need to be creative and resilient as well as being aware of the responsibility they have towards themselves and others.

    We explore online safety openly and encourage them to begin to take responsibility for their own safety. We teach our children to talk to trusted adults about any concerns they have so that they are ready to deal with the challenges as well as the benefits of the internet and social media.


    Bordon Infant School integrates technology into all areas of school life to extend and enhance our pupils learning. We recognise the use that technology has to enhance and support our communication with parents through use of texts, email, tapestry, bug club and teams. We plan regular opportunities to use technology in meaningful context within and across other subjects, for example our power point unit is closely linked to our Remembrance topic in history. We also ensure that each unit of computing is closely linked to the prior knowledge our children have from their previous and future learning so they can see what computing means for them in their world.

    There are three main strands of our Computing curriculum: information technology (Using computers), digital literacy (Online safety) and computer science (Coding and debugging).

    Information technology is about using computers for different purposes, such as collecting and presenting information. We place emphasis on this strand of computing at our school so children are confident and ready for KS2. This begins with taking photos and videos on an iPad in year R, using word in year 1 ready for making a power point about the war by the end of the key stage.

    Computer science introduces children to understanding how computers work. In our school we give all children the opportunity to learn basic coding by exploring programmable toys such as Beebots from Year R alongside using programs like scratch junior in Years 1 and 2, so they will be ready for creating on-screen computer games and programmes by Year 6.

    Digital literacy is about the safe and responsible use of technology, including recognising its advantages for collaboration or communication. Being able to talk about what is happening online to others and seeking help and every year group recognises the importance of this happening regularly. We link this very closely to our PSHE curriculum and use the EVOLVE website to support this each half term in KS1 and from Spring 2 in year R.


    At the end of KS1, our children will have begun to develop the knowledge, skills and attitudes ready for their next stage of learning and their lives in a digital world. They will have explored different areas of technology and have used a range of resources to support previous and future learning and how they link together. They will be able to communicate their understanding of online safety both at school and at home and begin to have a basic understanding of their responsibilities as part of this process.