Be Confident
Be Curious
Be Respectful
Be a Team
Be Creative
Be Happy
Geography is about places, about people and about how people and places interact. At Bordon Infant School we encourage pupils to make sense of and appreciate the world in which they live by offering them an exciting and relevant geographical education. They will learn to explore the world through field studies and visits, as well as by using maps, photographs, books and other sources. They will acquire a range of geographical skills and knowledge that will make them curious and excited to extend their understanding.
Geography starts with the familiar and extends to the global. In year R, geography is principally taught through the children’s personal experiences. Much of this happens during Forest Time when the children explore the immediate environment in the school grounds and how to care for it through child initiated learning. They will also have opportunities to discuss their experiences of travelling to other places, for example, where they have been on holiday. They are also introduced to the idea that people in other places may have a different culture to their own.
In year 1, geography is focussed on the local. As well as continuing to study the immediate school environment, this time in a more focussed way, the children will learn about their home town of Bordon. They develop their map skills by using simple maps and by making their own maps. They walk around Bordon and use this experience as a basis for studying the town and map making. Later, they will study the contrasting town of Southsea by visiting it and learning about ways that it is similar to and different from Bordon.
In year 2, children learn about the different parts of the UK and then think globally about the different continents and oceans. They also study Hong Kong and look at ways that Hong Kong is similar to and different from Bordon. They will rely on maps, photographs and books to study locations that it is not possible for them to visit.
By the time children leave Bordon Infant School, they will appreciate and have a good understanding of the place where they live. They will understand that there are other places in the world that are in some ways similar to and in other ways different from Bordon. They will know the names and some key features of Bordon and the other places that they have studied. They will also be able to talk about what is good about those places, what the problems are and some ways that they could be improved. They will have key geographical skills such as using maps, photos, field studies and other sources of geographical evidence to learn about places and they will be inspired to further study of different locations in the UK and abroad.