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  • Be Confident

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  • Music


    At Bordon Infant School we recognise that Music is a universal language. Music enables children to build their confidence and skills to perform and express themselves.

    Our high quality Music education will inspire pupils to develop a love of music and their talent as musicians. This will help to increase their self-confidence, creativity and sense of achievement.

    As pupils progress, they will develop an understanding of how music works through rhythm, rhyme and composition.


    Planning follows a curriculum map that specify the skills progression throughout the school. Year group planning builds on previous knowledge and skills to ensure each child progresses during their time with us from their various starting points. Year group planning allows children to gain knowledge, master skills, plan, prepare and perform.

    Harvest assembly, Christingle, Christmas plays and our Year 2 Leavers assembly present an opportunity to perform and sing both individually and as a group.

    There are weekly singing assemblies enabling the children to learn a range of different songs together that include actions encouraging a love of music and performing together.

    Music is a natural part of our environment for both inside and outside learning. KS1 have a Music hut on the playground. In Year R, we have a performing area and instruments outside which the children have free access to throughout the day.


    By the time our children leave they will have had the opportunity to express themselves through singing and to create their own music. They will be able to listen with concentration and understanding to a range of high-quality live and recorded music. They will have participated in meaningful performance opportunities and taken pride in developing their own skills as musicians. Some will have been inspired and will have started the journey to a lifelong love of music.