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  • Physical Education


    Here at Bordon Infant School, our PE curriculum is inclusive and allows all pupils to access a range of physical activities which enables our pupils to be physically active. We ensure all pupils are willing and able to practice and take part in different activities and situations, alone, in small groups and in teams, applying skills to achieve high levels of performance. Our aim at Bordon Infants is that through the PE we teach, the children’s ability to understand themselves physically and mentally grows, allowing them to see the importance of healthy lifestyles, self-expression, decision making and how to socially interact in more successful ways.

    We encourage pupils to be active throughout a P.E lesson, during their play times and we celebrate their physical achievements at a whole school level. Our children leave us with the understanding of how to collaborate and cooperate as part of an effective team, understanding fairness and equality of play, which we hope helps them in later life.


    Bordon Infant School provides a PE curriculum, which carefully plans for progression and depth of skills through series of formal lessons. The children take part in one extended session of physical activity each week, which provides greater opportunity to develop skills, challenge and enjoy learning without the need to cut the lesson short. This extended time allows for a range of physical activities such as: athletics, strike and field games, gymnastics and dance, to be undertaken over the half term. Alongside this, over the past ten years Bordon Infant School has spent a vast amount of money extending, developing and improving our outside areas so that physical development is not contained to formal lessons but is always undertaken during many different aspects of the normal school day alongside having wonderful fun!

    The EYFS also has one formal PE session a week alongside the environmental physical environment of the EY curriculum. This focuses on fundamental movement skills and will change dependent on the cohort of children. Again, the EYFS outside area has been vastly improved to allow for greater physical development of the children. We are very fortunate at Bordon Infant School to have a large outside area dedicated to the EYFS children allowing our physical items to be tailored for their younger and developing needs. Such things as a permanent obstacle course, bikes and scooter track, with sporting equipment being part of the continuous provision.

    Sports Day has become a greatly anticipated event a here at Bordon Infants with competition at its heart! We really feel it is a wonderful day of celebrating the progress and physical success the children have made over the year with good old-fashioned competition and sportsmanship mixed in.


    We know that the children at Bordon Infant School leave us with the enthusiasm, passion, knowledge and skills to aid them in becoming critiques able to give feedback, lead and follow and be physically ready for their next stage in their physical learning.